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About My Sonas

Soft Normal Icon
by: @TimothyKurusu

Sof ref sheet
by: @TimothyKurusu

human soft
by: @TimothyKurusu

Soft Normal Icon
by: @TimothyKurusu
Soft Spot
Soft Spot is my main fur-sona and main sona in general. She is a House Griffin (A domesticated species of griffin similar to house cats) who shares an age sexual identity and gender with me. She is who I present myself as 9 times out of 10.
She is a residential magical witch doctor and mommy who tends to give crazy request in exchange for her services. one day she may ask you how many fingers she's holding up, Another day she may ask for the frozen little toe of the devil himself covered in BBQ sauce.
She's a weird one!
Shula is my dragon sona. She is completely blind but very sweet.
Shula has no home often hoping from cave to cave as she runs from her kind. The fact that she is blind means that by the rules of dragon law she must be culled. She's very timid when hearing new voices. She is also a fire breather but isn't very good at it, often huffing puffs of smoke out with every blast.

by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

shula buddy
by: @HibbySloth

by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

M.E gif
by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

word vomit
by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

feeling lone
by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

M.E gif
by: @xXSoftSilenceXx
M.E is my Vent sona, I often use her to get out very strong feelings be them good or bad in abstract style art work,
The Spot on her chest indicates her emotions. Often when her emotions grow to strong a creature known as a Toxi or Posi will appear to burry her in that feeling and consume her.
Dd is my human sona...well...human ish. She is a shape shifting wendigo like beast.
She was once human but grew up in an abusive home until the age of 6 when her mother abandoned the family, her father died to an accident and both her brother and herself past due to disease. Dd awoke as a monster among fellow monsters, and was adopted by a man named Typhon who was a Cuthulu like beast, as well as king of the monsters. She now takes the claim of heir to the monster throne.

dd updated3
by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

wendigo dd update(3)
by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

dd updated3
by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

Well Well Well
by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

Solid Stripe (Old)
by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

Well Well Well
by: @xXSoftSilenceXx
Solid Stripe
Solid Stripe is Soft Spots opposite counter part.
Solid is an enchantress who would like nothing more then to end Momma Softs existence, and become the True Version. She often appears durring halloween when the rift shifts enought to let her threw into our world. She's very aggressive and wicked, often playing along with whatever soft asks her to do in an attempt to betray her...but somehow she's never come close...
Stinger is a run away changling princess in the world of MLP.
Stinger belongs to a separate hive from that of Queen Chrysalis or Torax. She's the heir to her hives throne currently belonging to a Queen Coxa whom of which is old and due to pass. Stinger was sent into the world of Equestria to learn first hoof of the behaviors and culture of pony kind so she may instruct her hive on the hunt more efficiently...She never came home


by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

by: @Rave_Zion

by: @xXSoftSilenceXx
Luna is a dolphin character in the Sonic universe. More specifically for the Sonic games and shows.
Luna is one of 2 princess's from an aquatic city. Her sister however was kidnapped by Dr Eggman, Luna is then manipulated by him to become a villain by the name of "The Queen of The Seas", and is giving leg braces that allow her to walk on lang just as easily as she can swim in the sea.
Carmen Robotnik
Like Luna, Carmen is a Sonic sona, but unlike Luna her universe is in the IMDB comics.
Carmen is the result of a strange experiment run by Dr Robotnik, in an attempt to create himself an heir to the Robotic Empire he's building. Carmen is the result of combining African Wild Dog DNA, Gecko DNA, and chaos energy. She is still very unstable and will often start to melt like a candle if she attempts to use chaos based ability's with, or without a chaos emerald.
Carmen is considered to be Robotnik's daughter, and is completely subservient to him.

Carmen Robotik
by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

Commander Carmen

Carmen Robotik
by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

by: @TimothyKurusu

by: @xXSoftSilenceXx
Umiko is a simple Kurusu Character, based of of my friend, Timothy Eren Kurusu's Fursona.
Umiko is an coral reef dwelling subspecies of Kurusu. She makes jewlry out of shells and other things she finds in the ocean. Often she shares her work and treasures, with Timothy
Selky is a creature of unknown origin. a strange deer-like beast and pet to an uncaring owner, Dispite its large sharp teeth it is an omnivore.
Selky, Despite appearances. would not hurt a fly. She often stares at things and people she is curious about with an unblinking gaze. She is extremely timid despite this but likes cuddles and pets once she is relaxed.

Selky Cared

Selky Abused

Selky Cared

by: @xXSoftSilenceXx

Sylvrai OG
by: @TimothyKurusu

by: @xXSoftSilenceXx
Sylvrai is a pokemon fusion sona (sylveon + darkrai). Unfortunately she is so new I don't have much about her to tell. perhaps later I'll list off stats and a move set for her. But for now this is all I got.
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